First, let's talk about the name, SOHO Brands

The name was created from a love with the beautiful borough, SOHO in London. It is also where the founder worked within one of the big cosmetics companies and gained a passion for the industry.

Let's talk about our 3 pillars

Napiers Starflower Dry Skin Cream lifestyle shot

Pillar 1

Doing good through business

Yes, our passion is in the world of skincare and bringing that to all our brilliant customers, but we also want to do good. Our end goal is to leave the world better than when we found it. We are all about sustainability and making sure we reduce our footprint and make the planet cleaner. For now that looks like using sustainable materials for shipping and finding initiatives to help decrease our waste. Long term we have big plans such as working with some very exciting sustainable brands that share our vision.

We don’t want to work with wasteful brands so will monitor our on-going relationships with those that we work with.

A collection of Sukin Napiers the Herbalists and Clarins product shot

Pillar 2

All the brands under 1 roof

Our long term goal is to have the world's best selection of sustainable skincare on our site. We also want to promote 'made in Britain' as an important category on-site. For now though, making sure we have all the most popular brands/products is super important. At the end of the day we want to sell the products that our customers would like.

Sukin Signature Facial Moisturiser lifestyle shot face sample swatch

Pillar 3

The best experience

We feel the bigger a company gets the less connected they are with their customers. We will never be a soulless corporation, even when we grow. We want to always keep that small business feel and be very much hands on with our community. We want our customers to have the best time shopping with us including the aftercare. Our customer care is something we always want to work on to make sure its best in class.

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